County, Laraway Consolidate 911 Dispatch Center
Will serve 31 local communities
“Having one primary dispatch center will save money and allow emergency responders to work more efficiently and get help to people who need it,” said Will County Board Member Suzanne Hart, a member of the 911 Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB). “Calling a 911 dispatch center could save someone’s life. I’m proud we could provide high quality safety services to Will County residents.”
The consolidated dispatch center will be located in the new Public Safety Complex, slated for completion in December. A few offices have already begun moving into the building. As part of the intergovernmental agreement between Will County and Laraway Communications Center, the county will be responsible for managing employees and maintenance operations at the facility.
“I’m very happy we could help house these vital services in the new Public Safety Complex,” said Mark Ferry (D- Plainfield), a member of the county’s Public Health & Safety Committee. “Our emergency responders deserve a high-quality and high-tech working environment so they can perform their jobs well. They’ll get this at the new Public Safety Complex. Public safety is paramount in our focus."
The new Public Safety Complex will house the Sheriff's Office, 911 Dispatch Center, and Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB). The 85,000 sq. ft. facility is located in Joliet on Laraway Road and Route 52. It will replace the existing Sheriff's Office next door and provide a new administration and training building, evidence storage, and space for a consolidated 911 Dispatch Center that will serve 31 communities, as well as ETSB. Currently, there is a need for a central location for these functions that are now spread throughout the County. Once the new complex is complete, the old Sheriff's Office will be torn down.