Steve Balich, District 4 (R-Orland Park) Republican Leader
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Home 12259 Derby Ln. Orland Park 60467 Phone: 815-557-7196 E-mail Steve Committee Assignments Executive |
Steve Balich of Orland Park was elected to the Will County Board in 2012 and was appointed Republican Leader in 2022. He previously served as the Homer Township Clerk for four years and as a trustee for eight years.
Balich was a truck driver for 20 years. He also held a real estate broker’s license as well as sold retirement plans. Balich received his bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from St. Xavier University in Chicago with a minor in psychology and emphasis on elementary education. He also is three classes short of a master’s degree in health science from Governor’s State University. Balich received his associate degree from Moraine Valley Community College. Balich has been instrumental in organizing and implementing safety programs in Homer Glen, Lockport, and unincorporated Homer Township. These include Yellow Dot medical info for your car, File for Life medical info for your home, cell phone donations, early warning weather system, and CPR and First Aid classes. Steve is very active in his community and is currently volunteering for numerous organizations including: • Will County Tea Party Alliance and Homer Lockport Tea Party • St. Joseph’s Club of Homer Glen • 911 Tribute Ceremony, Chairman • Homer Founders Club, Board of Directors • Homer Township TRIAD, Chairman • Homer Township, Senior Committee • Homer Township, Emergency Management & Safety Committee chair • Conservative Committeeman Project, Founder • Any Street, Conservative Grassroots • SOS Children’s Village & La Rabida Toy Drive Steve also previously served for the following organizations: • I-355 Advisory Council • CCD • Homer Township Chamber of Commerce Trustee • St. Dennis Church, Lockport • Homer Healing Garden • Homer Glen Comprehensive Plan Committee • Homer Glen Green Space Committee • Homer Township Parks and Recreation Committee • Homer Township Trantina Farm Committee • Homer Township committeeman |