County Board digs in to full plate of projects
“Although the pandemic continues to take priority for the County Board, we are also moving forward on several other projects as we lay the groundwork for our county to grow responsibly into the future,” said County Board Speaker Mimi Cowan (Naperville).
“We want to be able to hit the ground running,” said Finance Committee Chair Ken Harris (Bolingbrook). “We are still seeking input from community groups, non-profits, business owners, and other residents about how these funds can be used to have the biggest impact. But we want to be able to move quickly once we know where the funds are heading.”
Anyone from the public wishing to submit suggestions on how these funds could be allocated can send them via email to [email protected] or to Will County Board – 302 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60432.
The Board also moved closer to construction of the renewable natural gas plant at the Prairie View Landfill today by passing an ordinance authorizing the sale of construction bonds not to exceed $55 million. A buyer of the natural gas has already been secured and it is estimated that the RNG plant will generate $12 million per year for the county once the bonds are paid off. Revenue from the sale of natural gas produced at the facility will pay the bond obligations and cover the operational costs.
“The sale of these bonds will allow us to pay for the design and construction phases of the natural gas plant,” said Minority Leader Mike Fricilone (Homer Glen). “The revenue generated by the plant will help provide vital services to our residents while also keeping taxes low.”
The Board previously authorized the release of bids to design and build a new morgue for the county. The bids are due at the end of April and should be approved at the May Board meeting. The current county morgue is located at the county’s Caton-Farm Road facility where the Coroner, Division of Transportation, and Sheriff’s Department share space. The Coroner’s office has made construction of a new morgue a top priority.
“As Will County continues to grow, we need facilities that are appropriate for the size of our county now, but also in the future,” said Capital Improvements Committee member Annette Parker (Crest Hill). “The new morgue will serve our county for generations to come.”