Board approves labor agreement for capital projects
Pact with Three Rivers Construction Alliance calls for cost effective, high quality work

"Will County has some of the finest contractors and craftsman in the entire state, and we are pleased to partner with them in building a better county for generations to come," said Speaker Jim Moustis. "We look forward to getting shovels in the ground soon."
"This agreement is another great milestone for our vital capital projects and represents a true spirit of cooperation and commitment between the Board and local union labor," said Ragan Freitag (R-Wilmington), chair of the county board's capital improvements committee. "We are all working together to provide the residents of Will County modern, safe facilities that meet their needs and stand the test of time."
The current courthouse was built in 1969 when the county's population was 250,000; today the county has nearly 700,000 residents and is projected to grow to 1.2 million over the next 30 years. Its 23 courtrooms lack the necessary space and security and do not meet the minimum standards for safety and security as set by the Illinois Supreme Court.
"Taxpayers want assurances that their money is spent and invested wisely on capital projects that are of the highest quality," said Mike Fricilone (R-Homer Glen), chair of the county board's finance committee. "The management of labor is a key component to reach this goal, and the Board has now taken the necessary steps to guarantee quality craftsmanship and professional contracting."