“I’m honored to be selected by my colleagues to serve as Speaker of the Will County Board,” said Cowan. “We have tremendous responsibility to our constituents, especially as we face a global pandemic that has sapped our economy, caused widespread unemployment, and strained our medical infrastructure. I am ready to tackle the unique challenges facing our communities.”

During her time on the board, Cowan has served on the Judicial, Legislative and Policy, and Public Works and Transportation committees. Born and raised in Naperville, Cowan is a graduate of North Central College and went on to earn a master’s degree at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and a Ph.D. in history from Boston College. She has taught American History, Urban Studies, and Immigration History courses at Boston College, Lake Forest College, and North Central College.
“Our communities face unprecedented challenges,” said Minority Leader Mike Fricilone (R-Homer Glen). “I am anxious to work with Speaker Cowan to move our county forward.”
Cowan was nominated by board member Meta Mueller (D-Aurora) and was elected by a bipartisan majority of 23 board members. She assumes the position of Speaker immediately.